Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Number Card Activities

In math, students had lots of fun practicing number recognition, sequencing numbers, and matching sets and numerals with their number cards.  

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monster Squeeze

In math, students enjoyed playing Monster Squeeze to practice number recognition and explore number relationships on the ConnectEd website.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Push and Pull, Inc. Commercials Day 3

In science, the students developed a commercial as a fun way to share the toys they created with their classmates.  Through experiencing the engineering process along with using the character strengths of "teamwork," "creativity," and "perseverance," they were all rightfully proud of the toys they designed to demonstrate their knowledge of forces.

Line Up

In math, the students expanded their learning of the successor function - that successive numbers refer to quantities that are one larger.  This was demonstrated as students lined up one at a time in a line displaying the successive number each time seeing that the line was one person longer.  Then, they enjoyed the challenge of reordering the numbers in "sequence" when the numbers were mixed up.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Push and Pull, Inc. Day 2

 In science, the student engineers put their plans to the test by moving into the next phase of the engineering process to create a model of their toy together with their team.  As they constructed, they discovered that improvements were necessary so they cycled through the engineering process many times to meet their goal of designing and building a model of a toy that moves with a push or a pull for the company, Push and Pull, Inc.  

The Engineering Process

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Spin a Number Game

In math, the students had lots of fun practicing their number recognition, counting, and one-to-one correspondence skills as they played the "Spin a Number" game.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

We Have a Gratitude Attitude

Celebrating and sharing the people and things we are grateful for as we learn about the character strength of "gratitude" as part of the Positivity Project!