Thursday, February 17, 2022

Mapping Our Circle

As part of learning  about how maps are created and interpreted in Social Studies, students enjoyed creating and interpreting a map of our circle in class from an aerial perspective.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Word Part Power Celebration

To celebrate the end of our phonics unit of study, we celebrated our word part power by creating a word part book.  The students enjoyed creating a list of words with a chosen word part to include along with their snap words in their books.  So much fun and excitement was had sharing their completed books with their classmates!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

3D Shape Museum

In math, we have been learning about three-dimensional shapes and comparing them to two-dimensional shapes.  To help us to extend our understanding, we created a "3D Shape Museum" to include items from 3D objects from our daily lives.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

The students in Room 14 had a wonderful day from start to finish!  We enjoyed decorating our valentine bags with our dear friend and phonics mascot, Mabel.  We also had lots of fun dancing and singing to special valentine music to help us get the wiggles out!  In addition, we grew our math muscles by creating a valentine candy heart graph where we sorted, graphed, and compared our data.  The highlight of our day was definitely watching the movie, If You Give a Mouse a Valentine Cookie based on the book by Laura Joffe Numeroff.  While we watched we enjoyed a special snack of valentine cookies!  It was a truly a wonderful day filled with love and kindness!  💟

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the valentines!
It was truly such a gift to spend the day with all of my little valentines in class today! 💕