Monday, November 28, 2022

Push and Pull, Inc. (Day 1)

In science, the student engineers were hard at work with their teammates planning and designing a toy that can be moved with a push or a pull for the company, Push and Pull Inc.

The Engineering Process

Comparing Representations

 In math, we explored different representations for the number 4 together as a class.  Then, the students worked with partners to create representations for a given number between 5 and 10 being careful to show as many different representations as they could come up with.  Finally, we collectively compared and analyzed the different representations for the various numbers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Using Our "Pointer Power" to Read Longer Words

In phonics, the students learned that readers don't let longer words slow them down.  They enjoyed practicing using their "Pointer Power" while remembering to be on the look-our for the long words that might try to trick them into pointing too many times for one single word.  They paid close attention to when their pointer power started to lose strength when the words didn't match, and they practiced going back and trying again while remembering that every word-even the longer ones-only get one tap. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Celebrating the 94th Birthday of Mickey Mouse

In honor of Mickey Mouse's 94th birthday, we paraded around our room to the Mickey Mouse March and were even joined by our principal, Mrs. Johnson!  🎂🎉🥳


The Pledge of Allegiance

To begin each day, our Pledge Helper for the week leads us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Readers Have Super Powers to Look, Point, and Read Everything They Can!

As part of our new reading unit of study, students gained their first reading Super Power and began using their "Pointer Power" with a magic pointer given to them by Reader Man.

ABC School

During phonics, students were super excited to celebrate all that they have learned as word scientists about the alphabet chart along with some of their new snap words.  They all had so much fun becoming teachers and sharing all of their knowledge with their mini Mabels in ABC School!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Scientists Explore the Force of Gravity

As we continued our science unit on forces, kindergarten scientists explored the force of gravity.  Through their exploration they learned that gravity is a mystery, but the force of gravity pulls everything towards the center of the earth.