Thursday, September 3, 2020

First Week of Virtual Learning is Officially in the Books!

We successfully made it through our first official week of virtual school!!!  This is certainly a school year like no other and I cannot express how much I appreciate your patience, understanding, and support as we go through this adjustment period together and acquire new and innovative ways to help the children to learn remotely.  I truly feel so fortunate to have the privilege of working with such wonderful children and families this year!  Thank you for continuing to foster excitement and nurture a love of learning in your children!  It was truly so much fun beginning to get to know one another and building our classroom community this past week!  

Below are a few more reminders as we embark on our second week of school:
  • Labor Day Recess - Just a friendly reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 4 and Monday, September 7 in honor of the Labor Day holiday.
  • Time to Adjust - Given that we just finished our first week of school, it is important to be patient and understanding as the children continue to acclimate to attending school online.  Adjusting to in-person all day kindergarten five full days a week is always a transition for the little ones who typically have only attended preschool 2-3 half days per week if at all.  It typically takes kindergartners a while to build their stamina and get used to the full days of learning.  Adding in the layer of the pandemic that halted most preschool experiences in early March makes the transition even more challenging.  Obviously learning through a different modality while at home is another dimension which will be an adjustment for all of us as well.  
  • Workspace/School supplies - Thank you for finding a space in your home with minimal distractions with a chair and adequate work area for your child to use for school.  Having a basket or container with the suggested school supplies nearby will also be beneficial for your child (see supply list in first post).  Your help in making sure your child only accesses the school supplies when needed so they don't become a distraction is tremendously appreciated. 
  • Absences - If your child will be arriving late, leaving early, or will be absent from virtual school, you will still need to report his/her absence to the Glengary Attendance Line 248-956-3100. 
  • Curriculum Night - As you were informed in the Glengary Gazette, our Kindergarten Curriculum Night is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 14th at 5:30 p.m.  This will take place via zoom using our regular classroom zoom link.  This important informational parent event is to learn about curricular expectations and plans for the year ahead.  I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, September 14th at 5:30 p.m.
Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year via email (, or voicemail (248-956-3163) as questions/concerns arise or just to chat.  I am here to support my students and their families throughout these unprecedented times.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we work together to help the students to have a successful kindergarten experience!