Friday, December 16, 2022

Helping Hands Night

At Glengary, the Positivity Project Committee joined forces with our PTA to host the "Glengary Helping Hands Event" which was a wonderful evening of giving back.  Students and their families put a variety of character strengths into practice while engaging in interactive activities that helped to build the Other People Matter Mindset.  From making fleece blankets for children in the hospital, to making get well cards for cancer patients, to making holiday decorations for a holiday party for less fortunate families at a church in Detroit, to creating paper placemats for residents of a local nursing home, to engaging with Romeo and other Walled Lake Schools therapy dogs, to reading books and identifying the character strengths used by characters, to obtaining information about the Student Pantry, to learning about the Caleb White Project-an organization founded by a former Walled Lake student that helps the homeless and develops youth leaders through volunteerism, a wonderful evening was had by all in attendance!  Thank you to those who attended and supported 19 local families through the Glengary Giving Tree along with all of the other charitable donations and contributions that came out of this extra special event!