Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Commerce Twp. Fire Department Visits Glengary!

As part of National Fire Safety Week, we had a special visit from the Commerce Twp. Fire Department.  They taught us important fire safety tips such as "Stay Low and Go" in a fire to avoid smoke inhalation, "Stop, Drop, and Roll" if one's clothing catches fire, finding ways out of every room in our homes, testing batteries in smoke detectors, and appropriate times to call 9-1-1.  We were also able to see a firefighter dressed in his fire gear and witness how he looks and sounds.  We were reminded that we should never hide from firefighters and should always call out to them for help if we were are ever trapped in a fire.  The highlight was going outside to learn about the fire engine and ambulance, and actually getting to go inside them.  We were also grateful for the fire helmets and special prizes that the firefighters gifted us at the conclusion of their visit!  We tremendously appreciate the heroes at Commerce Twp. Fire Department #4 in protecting our community!

Thank you Commerce Twp. Fire Department!