Friday, February 7, 2025

The 100th Day of School!

On Friday, February 7th, we celebrated the 100th day of school at Glengary Elementary!  As part of the celebration, kindergartners were invited to dress like they were 100 years-old.  They also had fun dancing and singing along while counting to 100, and having an extra special snack in the shape of 100.  In addition, the students enjoyed participating in the 100th day learning centers where they created a book of 100 stamps and practiced counting by 10's to 100, made 100 tally marks and practiced counting by 5's to 100, and drew a picture of their 100 year-old face. It was such a wonderful celebration for all involved!   

Look at These 100 Year-Old Cuties 👴👵


🌟🌟🌟 We are 100 days brighter! 🌟🌟🌟

😎 Counting, Singing, & Dancing to 100 😎

When we are 100 years old...

💗 Our 100 Snack 💗

Drawing our 100 year-old faces

Making 100 Tally Marks & Counting by 5's

Stamping to 100 & Counting by 10's

100th Day of School Books

The 100 Year-Old Kindergarten Teachers